Rob Browning, Assistant Principal

Rob Browning,
Assistant Principal
Welcome to Ingomar Attendance Center!
My name is Rob Browning, and I proudly serve as assistant principal at Ingomar Attendance Center. I graduated from Ingomar in 2006, graduated with a Bachelor’s of Special Education degree from the University of Mississippi in 2010, and graduated with a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Belhaven University in 2020. I formerly was a special education teacher and coach. This is my 15th year in education altogether and my 2nd year as assistant principal at Ingomar Attendance Center, where Falcons learn to SOAR!
As a graduate of Ingomar, I am proud to be a part of this special place each and every day. Our goal at the school is to provide students and staff with a safe learning environment, a place where they can become successful, and a great atmosphere where all students feel welcomed. Our standards are high and our students consistently meet and exceed those expectations. We hope that you will find an opportunity to join us for upcoming events on our campus! We look forward to seeing you! Please contact me with any questions or concerns. You may reach me at by school phone at 662-534-5463. #blueblood